Discover 10 of my best tips to improve your self-discipline and start getting things done!
Having survived divorce, depression, overwhelm and exhaustion, I have developed systems to keep me efficient and productive, while increasing my positivity and focusing on self-care. Join me as I share what I’ve learned along the way.
At Vibrance & Bliss, I help women ditch the overwhelm that comes from juggling everyday schedules and obligations and find their way to a Blissfully Vibrant life. I focus on topics like Productivity, Time Management, Goalsetting, Habits/Routines, Motivation, Mental Focus, Planning, & Getting things done – but through the lens of having a healthy mindset, self-compassion, positivity and gratitude. Join me on a journey to improved efficiency by building productive life systems & routines so you can get more done and have time to go after your goals (and feel great while doing it!)
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